Decals can be the cherries on top. Once you have a good looking 3d model of an architectural scene, mechanical product, or a vehicle. Adding some decal imagery to your scene can give it a sense of life and more vibrance. Simlab composer offers you an easy decal tool.

Creating decals using Simlab Composer is as easy as it gets. Whether you have a transparent “*.png” image or filled one, follow the video bellow to understand how the steps work. You can download Simlab Composer from here.
What is super easy about using decals with SLC is the ability to add them with no UV unwrapping for your models. The decal here is not projected as a texture on the object’s material, it is a new geometry overlaying the primary object you cast the image on.

The current posted render shots here are car related and mechanical, but you have to know that decals can be applied on anything; as dirt on the wall, cracks in the floor, Image on a plane, your imagination is the limit.

Learn more about camera animations and creating walk-through using Simlab Composer here.